

Governance of the Global IAP, its Assemblies and Country Divisions
To understand how the International Academy of Pathology – a global system – functions one must understand the differences between an open, democratic, self-organizing system and its Divisions that, as instrumental organizations, operate in a more corporate sense.

As a self-organizing, or emergent order, governance of the global IAP requires transparent engagement of its Council and approval by its membership. To ensure this functionality the President, Secretary and Executive members engage in broad discussions with Divisions to provide the cooperative assurance for ensuring appropriate pathology knowledge is made available to underserved areas of the world.

Our concept of “helping people help themselves” requires informing those providing pathology education programs by those who receive the programs as to what will be appropriate in their area. It is not our mandate to have underserved areas be like us and do what we think is best! The IAP has numerous Divisions based in countries or in local groups of countries. These Divisions are instrumental in effecting pathology education in their area. Typically, tighter executive action takes place with governance of the organization in a more corporate manner appropriate to that area. As Divisions of the IAP they also act cooperatively in consultation with the global Academy in providing extra-Divisional global assistance.

In addition to global IAP Central and IAP Divisions the Academy also has a group of IAP Assemblies of Divisions based in geographic locations. Assemblies include the Asia pacific Assembly, the Latin American Assembly, the Sub-Saharan African Assembly and the European Assembly which is partnered with the European Association of Pathology. IAP Assemblies act as coordinating bodies to ensure cooperation among member Divisions so that Pathology Education at its biennial meetings is appropriate for members of their region.