Membership Categories
Ordinary Membership
Ordinary membership is open to medical graduates with recognized postgraduate training and in possession of qualifications or attainments in anatomic pathology, living and practicing in West Africa. Ordinary members shall have full rights and obligations of the Academy.
Associate Membership
This category is open to medical graduates without postgraduate training in Anatomic Pathology and/or allied subjects. Associate members shall have all rights and obligations BUT shall not hold office nor shall be entitled to vote at meetings.
Honorary Membership
Exclusive for persons who have contributed greatly to the advancement of Anatomic Pathology or whose work has been of great importance in West Africa especially from a socio-pathology standpoint.
Ordinary members above the age of 65 years or members who have retired from practice because of physical disability may also be elected to honorary membership.
Honorary members shall be limited in number. The executive committee may confer honorary membership of the society on any person considered worthy of this honour, be he/she medically qualified or not. They shall be entitled to full rights and obligations, BUT they shall not hold office or vote at meetings but may take part in discussion. They shall be absolved from financial obligation to the society.
Life Membership
Shall be elective for members who have reached the age of 70 years. Such members shall enjoy all the benefits of the Academy including voting rights but will be absolved from financial obligation of the society. Life Membership is available to any new or current member that has attained the entry age.
Have you been an active member of the WADIAP for 5 years or more? Consider becoming a life member with a one-time dues fee.
Members who have held Active membership for a minimum of 5 years, have had 2 years of continuous membership immediately prior to election as Life members, and who meet one of the following requirements:
Age 70 or over.
Totally retired.
May vote and have floor at Congress of Delegates. May not hold office.
Society & Corporate Membership
This is open to other Societies, Organizations and Associations in West Africa with similar aims and objects involved in advancement of Anatomic Pathology Africa. They shall not hold office or have voting rights.
This category is for Anatomic Pathology practices (included but not limited to clinics, hospitals, and laboratories), societies, corporate companies and firms working not only in the area of pathology, but also in other areas of the health sector. It includes health and pharmaceutical companies and relevant NGOs.
In order to be eligible to become a Corporate member, a company must be a;
- Manufacture Anatomic pathology equipment or materials utilized in anatomic pathology practices
- Anatomic Pathology Laboratories
- Must adhere to International Medical ethical practices
- Must adhere to the WADIAP Code of Conduct, Code of Practice and its Constitution
Benefits of corporate membership
Corporate members have access to the association’s goods and services, including but not limited to:
- WADIAP’s advocacy activities with regards to policy matters — regulatory, legislative, and judicial that may affect our industry.
- WADIAP’s pool of professional experts who are resources for specific information and knowledge about current and emerging issues, with topics ranging from market information, adverse drug reactions and safety to federal and state industry regulations
- WADIAP’s Publications and Electronic Resources, including pathology journals from other African societies or countries providing members access to relevant news and direction for day-to-day business and pharmacologic product decisions.
- Opportunity for presentation and showcasing of products during WADIAP’s Conferences and other related seminars. These events bring together industry’s best and brightest leaders, offer the opportunity for networking, peer-to-peer interaction and professional development while giving visibility to the products