
Our History

A brief History of the Anglophone West African Division of the International Academy of Pathology

The Anglophone West African Division of the International Academy of Pathology (AWADIAP) was inaugurated on 14th July 2005 at the Annual General Meeting and Scientific Conference of the Association of Pathologists of Nigeria (ASSOPON) at Muson Centre, Lagos.
The Meeting adopted the constitution of the Division and elected 3 officials to run its affairs on a pro tem basis. The officials were
Professor John Olufemi Ogunbiyi President
Colonel (DR) Yawale Iliyasu Secretary General
Dr A.S Benebo Treasurer

Within four days, the Division filed a formal letter to the Executive Committee of IAP for ratification by the IAP Council. This took place during the IAP Centennial Celebration in Montreal in September 2006. WADIAP is now a full fledge Division of IAP. The formation of WADIAP was facilitated by the Friends of Africa.

The Friends of Africa is an organization comprising of Pathologists working in the US who teamed up with United States & Canadian Academy of Pathology (USCAP) for the sole purpose of advancing the frontiers of pathology on the African continent.

Their strategy was divided into three parts:

  • Make educational materials such as e-journals freely available to the Pathologists working in Africa.
  • Organize workshops, seminars, e.t.c. with their African colleagues from time to time.
  •  Source and provide laboratory equipment vitally needed all over Africa.

Members of WADIAP have already started receiving Modern Pathology and Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. In addition, members have access to the vast amount of educational material freely available at USCAP website.

The Friends of Africa in conjunction with USCAP and WADIAP organized a Diagnostic Cytopathology Update at UCH Ibadan between 20-26 August 2006.The aim of the update was to improve diagnostic expertise in cytopathology throughout the West African sub-region. The update was very successful and took place even before the new division was ratified! This clearly demonstrated the commitment of WADIAP to realizing the objectives for which IAP was established.


The activities of the Academy can be grouped under the following broad headings:

  • Communication
  • Advisory
  • Representation
  • Conferences and Seminars
  • Technical Courses
  • Liaison

WADIAP disseminates information about significant developments concerning the anatomic pathology industry.
WADIAP guides the industry in matters relating to ethics and interventions. WADIAP conducts regional, national conferences and seminars focusing on current topical issues in pathology.
WADIAP organizes refresher courses and diploma courses with the co-operation of academic and training institutions. These courses help in improving the technical knowledge of practitioners who are associated with the Academy.